Next! - Official Forum
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March 4, 2025
If you are interested in occasional intelligent and lively discourse in London, Ontario, let's get together. What can we talk about...


General Discussions
For discussions that don't fit neatly into any of our other discussion groups.
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Political Philosophy
So many political 'isms' – which ones offer the most freedom and are the most fair?
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Anarchism Explained -- Go Ahead, We Dare You.
Come on folks, riff on this one and tell us all what the term means to you.
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Fiscal Responsibility
If there must be a government how can it operate responsibly without mortgaging the futures of our children?
March 3, 2025
Benjamin Franklin once said, "The only things certain in life are death and taxes." Since we still haven't found a way to cheat...


Individual Liberty
We are not slaves. We must be allowed to think and act and interact and travel as we please. Discuss.
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Health and Treatment Discussions
Traditional medicine? Alternative medicine? What works? What doesn't work? Let's hear some personal experiences.
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Emergency Preparedness and Self-sufficiency
From storing a few extra cans of soup and beans to full-out survival mode, should we be prepared for the worst and why?
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Will it be possible to retire on your income and assets? What will you do for fun? Where are good places to retire to?
March 3, 2025
According to many recent studies, a large percent of Canadians are ill prepared for a comfortable retirement, free from financial st...


Is it time to leave Dodge? Why? Where to? Give us your experiences.
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Personal Relationships
You can't live with them and you can't live without them, or so they say. What is the recipe for a good relationship? We need all the help we can get!
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Personal Ads for Freedom Lovers
Is your dream date or mate out there somewhere? Take a chance. Perhaps you will find your Next! mate right here.
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